BCA is Re-Opening! COVID procedures! Please Read!

Dear Patients,
I have thought about each of you in this long span of time away from the clinic and missed you all very much. I am happy to say that I will be able to re-open Broomfield Community Acupuncture on Tuesday, June 2nd. During my time away, with guidance from Governor Polis, the CDC and the regulatory agencies of acupuncture in Colorado and the US, I have made many changes to the clinic in order to ensure safety for all of us. My heartfelt mission is to provide a refuge for effective healthcare and calm during a time of great uncertainty, fear and stress. The clinic is going to have to look different than it used to and I will need to call on your help to achieve this. I look forward to working as a team to keep this community healthy and thriving. Please read this entire letter before your next appointment and let me know if you have any questions.
Procedures for Patients at BCA During Appointments
Pre-screening 24 hours before your appointment time: I will contact you by text or phone to assess whether you have had fever, chills, body aches, cough, shortness of breath, or other respiratory symptoms. If you do, you cannot be seen in the clinic. If this is the case, we will do a phone consult in order to start you on Chinese herbs as quickly as possible. Herbs cannot “kill” Covid-19, but it can help your body process the demands of the virus and keep you out of the hospital. PLEASE DO NOT COME TO THE CLINIC IF YOU HAVE ANY SYMPTOMS! Symptoms include fever, chills, aches, feeling of “coming down with something,” cough, or shortness of breath.
New Patient Paperwork: Paperwork needs to be completed on-line through the website at www.broomfieldacu.com. Go to Patients, then click Forms. Please fill these out BEFORE your appointment time. If these are not completed before the appointment, I will direct you back to your car to fill them out.
Bring with you: A mask that will cover your nose and mouth is required for the entirety of your appointment. Bandannas wrapped around your face do not count, you need a real mask. It can be a cloth mask or a surgical mask. Please put on your mask before you enter the building.
Virtual Waiting Room: Upon arrival, text me to let me know you’ve arrived. Then go directly to the restroom and wash your hands. I will be waiting at the clinic door to let you in. At this time, there is no waiting room; no partners or family members or kiddos may wait for you in the clinic. Please do not leave your kids in the car. If you need assistance getting into the clinic, please let me know and we will work this out. If you arrive early for your appointment, I may not be able to let you in the clinic until your actual appointment time.
Entry into the clinic: You must wash your hands for 20 seconds using soap and water. You will need to have your mask on before you come into the building, covering your mouth and nose. Once I open my door, I will screen you once again for any symptoms, take your temperature using a contactless thermometer and provide you with hand sanitizer or you may use your own. If you do not have a mask, I will give you one for a small fee. Then you will proceed directly into the treatment room and lie down on the table or sit in the recliner.
After treatment: Please make future appointments on-line at www.broomfieldacu.com and leave the clinic promptly. As much as I love all of you, if you have additional things to talk about at this time, you are welcome to call, text or email me with questions or items. Please do not use this time to “hang out” and chat. Don’t forget to wash your hands again after you depart the clinic!
Whew! I know that may seem like a lot, but I am certain it will be worth it and we will all get used to it after a few visits.
Procedures for Your Acupuncturist at the Clinic
And now for the changes you will see on my end in order to keep things running safely and smoothly for your peace of mind:
Clothes: Following the recommendations by the American Society of Acupuncturists and the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, I will now be wearing a surgical mask and gloves in the clinic.
Cleaning: I will do extensive sanitization of the clinic after EVERY patient using clean gloves and wearing a mask, using EPA-approved COVID sanitizing products on ALL surfaces (table, pillows, chairs, desk, supply trays, shelves, light switches, door frames, door knobs). In addition, I will do daily sanitizing of ALL surfaces in the clinic, including but not limited to desks, dispensary surfaces, supply trays, light switches, door frames/knobs, chairs, outside doorknob, shelves, etc.
Extra Safety: I am using a plastic surface underneath your sheet on my recliner that can also be disinfected after every single use with bleach solution. I have removed all table warmers at this time. Pillows are covered in vinyl covers that can be thoroughly wiped down. I am placing all linens in a sealed container rather than under my table in baskets.
Timing: Due to cleaning requirements, I am leaving a full 30 minutes between patients in order to fully sanitize each area before a new person uses it. To start, I am limiting my patient load to two to four patients per day, spaced 30 minutes apart, in private rooms only with a closed door. There is currently no recliner choice available, but I hope to amend that with time.
Change in Rates
Lastly, it is with a heavy heart that I have to place the group setting on hold at this time. Community style acupuncture is the cornerstone of my mission because I think we all have a right to effective and affordable healthcare. Alas, it is not safe to have us in a group right now. Therefore, treatments will need to occur in my private offices behind closed doors. Because of the decreased patient load, the significant expense of supplies related to safety and a rent increase, I need to change the rates in order to keep the clinic open. Effective June 1st, the new sliding scale will be $45-65 per treatment. For most of you, this will mean you increase your rate by $10 per treatment. Please don’t hesitate to talk to me if this is truly not possible for you.
Your cooperation, love and support in keeping this clinic open and this community healthy means the world to me, my family, and to all of the patients who count on this service. Together, we will get to the other side of this extremely challenging and uncertain time.
With Gratitude,
Lindsey Rosso McKoy, L.Ac
7050 W. 120th Ave. Suite 121
Broomfield, CO
BCA is Re-Opening! COVID procedures! Please Read!
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